So the first product are Douglas XLarge Cosy cleansing wipes. These one I always wanted to try because my favourite bloggers are talking about them always like the best cleansing wipes ever! The reason why I buy it up to now was really simple- I have many cleansing water, micellar watter etc., but I just wanted to try it :)
I like this product for cleansing my skin but not to remove my eye make-up because don't like when I have to rub the eye area. I've got better eye make-up remover so these wipes I only use it for my skin and I really like it!

The next thing is Dermacol Imperial make-up. At first, I didn't like it because I had worse acne after the using this product. But later I found him really good. The make-up is really moisturizing and it makes awesome smoothed finish. You don't need to use special moisturizing cream before the makeup- if you have a dry skin. But I think that I'll make a review of this make-up.
I got an original Beauty Blender. I really like it and soon there' ll be a review. I think that this is the best thing for the acne skin because makeup really fit the skin with this.
Yes, I bought another gel eyeliner- UMA cosmetics. And this eyeliner are brown. It's nice brown color- not so significant like black eyeliner. But if you put it on your eyes in several layers, the color turns to black. But it's not so deep color like black (if you look at your eyeliner thoroughly, you'll see the dark brown eyeliner. But if somebody looks at your eyes from a distance, it'll looks like ordinary black eyeliner :D
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